Collected Reflections on a Spiritual Life
Compiled and edited by Molly Young Brown
Lighting A Candle offers a vivid mix of inspirational thoughts and imagery on the life of the spirit–from celebrated and lesser-known writers and thinkers, ancient and modern–to inspire and guide all those seeking to deepen their spiritual lives. The collection includes reflections from Rainer Maria Rilke, Thich Nhat Hahn, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Charlotte Joko Beck, Gary Synder, Joanna Macy, Ram Dass, Deena Metzger, Jack Kornfield, Thomas Merton, Rumi, and many others.
The quotations are arranged in four sections: Awakening; Embracing the Darkness; Love, Joy, and Interbeing; and Action and Service.
Psychosynthesis Press, 2010. ISBN 978-09611444-8-7. $15.
On-line price: $14, with discount for multiple copies.
Now available on KINDLE.
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