Psychosynthesis Press publishes books that further the full flowering of the human potential in harmony with the interdependent web of life. Psychosynthesis is a transpersonal psychology based on the work of Roberto Assagioli, M.D.(1888-1974) that seeks to integrate all the dimensions of life: physical, emotional, mental, interpersonal, social, ecological, and spiritual. Our books arise from this inclusive, holistic perspective.
Spiral tree logo by Cindy Caldwell.
Books from Psychosynthesis Press
Willing to Love:
Stories of the Couple’s Journey as a Path of Transformation
Nourish and renew your sense of wonder and hope for the couple’s journey! This unique book is a collection of love stories written by experienced therapists about their own committed relationship.
All the writers have been influenced by Psychosynthesis, an approach to psychological and spiritual development. With candor, warmth, and humor, each writer welcomes us into an intimate landscape where the creative work of building an enlivening and enduring relationship unfolds. Each story addresses the challenges the couple navigates along the way. Each one also describes the joys, sorrows and accomplishments both partners experience as their relationship deepens over time. In their vibrant interweaving of the difficulties and the sweetness of life partnership, these stories will inspire anyone who is part of a couple or wants to be. With commentary by noted Psychosynthesis authors Piero Ferrucci, Molly Brown and Thomas Yeomans.
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Anatomy of Embodied Education: Creating Pathways to Brain-Mind Evolution
Imagine that you have obtained a guidebook for exploring a vast, mysterious forest that you have heard of, but have never known how to approach—a forest so intricate and lush that most people feel reluctant to enter it without an experienced guide, and yet so alluring that you long to wander its paths, follow its streams to their source, gain access to its panoramic views of terrains that have barely begun to be mapped.
What makes this terrain so alluring is that it enfolds largely untold knowledge of the processes through which humans grow, develop, learn. And as explorers understand these processes more fully, they also begin to see how they have been unnecessarily hampered by assumptions and practices endemic to their culture. Then, seeing those blockages, explorers can gather the means to dissolve them, allowing growth, development, and learning to proceed more freely and naturally.
The vast, forested terrain in this metaphor is the embodied human brain, and its processes underlie not only growth, development and learning, but the mystery of consciousness itself. We authors offer this guidebook to assist you in entering and exploring that terrain.
Anatomy of Embodied Education is now available in print ($32 retail) and Kindle e-book ($9.99 retail).
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Mindleap: A Fresh View of Education Empowered by Neuroscience and Systems Thinking
In this thoroughly-researched and exquisitely crafted treatise, Jim Brown synthesizes the newest understandings in neuroscience, developmental psychology, and dynamical systems theory for educators and others committed to nurturing human development. He explains complex concepts in down-to-earth terms, suggesting how these understandings can transform education to truly engender optimal learning and intelligence. He explores the nature of consciousness, intelligence, and mind.
Brown then offers a model of optimal human learning through life-long brain development within a supportive culture–drawing on the work of Piaget, Erickson, Maslow, Kohlberg, and Steiner–and how that work is being vastly expanded by neuroscience and dynamical systems thinking.
Mindleap is available in print ($26 retail) and Kindle e-book ($9.99 retail).
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GROWING WHOLE Self-Realization for the Great Turning
by Molly Young Brown
Based in the transpersonal psychology of psychosynthesis, Growing Whole guides us along a path of personal and spiritual growth so we can participate more fully in the Great Turning toward a just, harmonious, and sustainable future. The book offers numerous psychosynthesis exercises that build the self-awareness, inner strength, and resilience we all need in these challenging times.
Click here for the Table of Contents and a review of the book.
(ISBN 978-0-9611444-5-9 $20.00) Now available on Kindle .
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GROWING WHOLE Exploring the Wilderness Within
MP3 + PDF by Molly Young Brown
Now available free of charge.
This MP3 audio file (digital download) with PDF study guide supplements the book Growing Whole above, to help you discover your inner wisdom, creativity, and strengths. Through meditations and inner dialogue, the MP3 guides you in exploring the “wilderness with.” The study guide introduces the exercises and offers questions and prompts for journaling afterwards.
Exercises: Checking In; Who Is Aware?; Acceptance; Self-Identification; The Wilderness Within; The Wise Being; Seeking a Loyal Soldier; Meditation on Good Will; An Experience of Transpersonal Will; Letter from Self.
This item replaces the CD and journal package by the same title, a few copies of which are still available by special request. Available only through this web site
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HELD IN LOVE – Life Stories to Inspire Us Through Times of Change
Edited by Molly Young Brown and Carolyn Wilbur Treadway.
A moving collection of stories, poems, and artwork from 72 writers and artists who share experiences of connection with a loving Source within and beyond themselves—in times of hardship or unexpected grace, alone, in nature, or with others. These writings and images offer examples of how Love can guide and sustain us through the challenges of The Great Turning.
Psychosynthesis Press, 2009. ISBN 978-09611444-6-3. $26 list price.
Now available on Kindle (stories and poems only).
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A Life in Poems by Jim Brown
Language Be My Bronco offers 75 poems in honor of Jim’s 75 years in this incarnation, reveling in eloquent and precise language that illuminates moments, people, places, ideas, insights, and wonder. “Jim Brown writes with elegance, sharing his love and shamanic knowing of the spirits of lake, mesa, mountain, sky and evergreen. He shares his poet’s vision of mystical dream states, inviting us to discover what our own spirit world might be.” Beth Beurkens, Shamanic Practitioner and poet, author of Shaman’s Eye. “This collection of poems from Jim Brown’s life-long engagement with language is full of surprises and vivid moments. Some of the poems move downward and inward along faint trails–seen or imagined–toward “moon-abetted mystery”. Some are tough-minded reality checks. Others are romps amid playful language. Throughout, he reminds us that keen attention and exact language are the best snares humans have for inspiration and insight. – Charles Goodrich, author of Insects of South Corvallis, The Practice of Home, and Going to Seed: Dispatches from the Garden. ” Jim’s poetry evokes the rich distillation of his life thus far: quirky musings, explorations into being a true man, wisdom. Thanks for loosening your casing, Jim, and considering “the possibility of having a blast.” I loved being along for the ride. — Ana Holub, poet and author of The Edges Are Friendly. Psychosynthesis Press, 2012. ISBN 978-09611444-9-4. $15
LIGHTING A CANDLE Collected Reflections on a Spiritual Life
Compiled and edited by Molly Young Brown
Lighting A Candle offers a vivid mix of inspirational thoughts and imagery on the life of the spirit–from celebrated and lesser-known writers and thinkers,ancient and modern–to guide all those seeking to deepen their spiritual lives. The collection includes reflections from Rainer Maria Rilke, Thich Nhat Hanh, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Charlotte Joko Beck, Gary Synder, Joanna Macy, Ram Dass, Deena Metzger, Jack Kornfield, Thomas Merton, Rumi, and many others.
The quotations are arranged in four sections: Awakening; Embracing the Darkness; Love, Joy, and Interbeing; and Action and Service.
Psychosynthesis Press, 2010. ISBN 978-09611444-8-7. $14 Now available on Kindle .
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CONSENSUS IN THE CLASSROOM Fostering a Lively Learning Community
by Linda Sartor, Ph.D. and Molly Brown, M.A.
Because of her passionate interest in environmental education, Linda Sartor began experimenting with consensus decision-making in her public school classrooms. She found that consensus in the classroom works as both an instructional strategy and a classroom management approach, and fosters a lively learning community. It requires a paradigm shift in a teacher’s relationship with students and students’ relationships with each other. This book will inspire and assist educators to use the consensus process in and out of the classroom. More info about this book…
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Psychosynthesis Press and Consensus Classsroom, Inc, 2004.
ISBN 0-9611444-4-0, $14.00
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Now available on Kindle.
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L’AMOUR DERAISONNE: RECLAIMING SELF Transformational Teachings from Psychosynthesis and A Course in Miracles by Olivia De Gage
This true story is a celebration of life–life in spite of the obstacles of childhood abuse, neglect, confusion and poor self esteem. It describes the encounter of the multi-faceted sides of “self” in one young woman’s search for the “right to exist.” The story tells of trauma and lifelong, repressed pain, but most importantly reveals a story of transformation, courage, perseverance and acceptance, through the tools and insights of psychosynthesis and A Course in Miracles.
Psychosynthesis Press 2010. ISBN 978-0-9611444-7-0. $18
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From Other Publishers
UNFOLDING SELF: The Practice Of Psychosynthesis by Molly Young Brown
This classic text on psychosynthesis counseling is for counselors, therapists, life coaches, and teachers who want to challenge their clients and students to more fully use their creative and healing powers. Written clearly with examples and psychosynthesis exercises, it also offers guidance to anyone engaged in a program of self-discovery.
New edition, Skyhorse Press, 2004. ISBN 1-58115-383-X. $20.00
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COMING BACK TO LIFE: The Updated Guide to the Work That Reconnects
by Joanna Macy and Molly Young Brown
Deepening global crises surround us, causing many to fall prey to denial and despair. Coming Back to Life shows how grief, anger, and fear are healthy responses to the harsh realities of our time, and that when honored through the revolutionary practice of the Work That Reconnects, they can free us from paralysis and move us toward creative action.
This new, completely updated edition of the classic text illuminates the extraordinary Work that has inspired hundreds of thousands to make strides towards the creation of a life-sustaining human culture. Authors Joanna Macy and Molly Brown introduce the Work’s theoretical foundations, revealing the angst of our era with remarkable insight. Pointing the way forward out of apathy, they offer personal counsel as well as easy-to-use methods for group process that profoundly affect peoples’ outlook and ability to act in the world. New Society, 2014. ISBN 978-0-86571-775-6. $21.95.
To order this book through online booksellers around the world, please click the following link to go to this book’s page on Global-Find-A-Book.
NEW: Free Study Guide for Coming Back to Life available. Click here.
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